Granite specializes in the reinsurance and/or financing of IEB programs designed to reduce the cost of employee benefits for client companies. Granite also specializes in the structuring and ongoing management of captives and cell captives, writing various lines of cover.
The Granite team have a proven track record in prudent management of captives, from reporting, auditing, compliance, and pro-active claims management to setting and following agreed underwriting guidelines set by the appropriate committees to provide the parent company with substantial cost savings as demonstrated by Granite’s economic value added (EVA) metric.
Granite processes a constantly growing volume of information and data. Moreover, regulators and their clients are demanding increasingly accurate, near real-time reporting. It became clear to the company that it needed to digitize its operations to manage the large influx of information.
Expertise required
Hubelia conducted an extensive analysis and enabled Granite to develop a custom application specific to its industry and its unique business identity.